Connect with Micah

Micah Gabriels

Co-founder & CEO

What I do at Mooven

Hi there,  I'm Micah.

I'm one of the co-founders here at Mooven and I'm also the CEO now based from San Francisco in the US.

Thanks for taking time out of your day to learn more about Mooven.

I created Mooven with our co-founder, Paul McDonnell after years of wondering, while sitting in traffic, why construction projects seemed to take longer than they needed to...  What we discovered was, that in the absence of actionable information, it's difficult for the industry to determine when they can work and react in a timely manner to unforeseen events.

These circumstances, along with overly conservative constraints mean projects run longer increasing costs and impact to surrounding areas.

Building the cities of the future creates disruption and with Mooven, we saw a way to manage the complexity of our world creating space for progress.  We see a world where alignment is generated by connecting an ever-growing web of projects working in harmony with the world around us.

A few years on and here we are intentionally building a global team with a strong culture that's aligned to our ambitious goals, has a deep link to the underlying ‘why’ that drives our personal and collective motivations, and allows us to scale effectively.

We’re bringing together a talented group of diverse and interesting individuals who share a sense of community and an undisputed belief in our ability to solve traffic congestion and create space for cities to thrive.

And we want to be the kind of company that everyone who joins will look back on as one of the best they’ve ever worked for.

If this has sparked your curiosity,  reach out, we'd love to chat.

Who am I?

I'm a passionate Kiwi (New Zealander) and "jack-of-all-trades", with a diverse background in product, commercial and marketing roles across companies including Air New Zealand, Spark Ventures and Westpac.  

I'm equally at home surfing, wielding a chainsaw or unpacking an important 'job to be done' for customers.

My wife and our 2 boys have joined me on our latest adventure... relocating to San Francisco from Auckland, New Zealand to expand Mooven into the United States.
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